Cancellation and Refund Policy

Last Updated April 15, 2024

1. Cancellation by Musicians:

Musicians may cancel a confirmed gig booking through the Gig App under the following conditions:

  • Cancellation is at least 48 hours before the scheduled gig date, except in cases of force majeure events outlined in section 3 of this policy, or other extenuating circumstances deemed acceptable by Gig support.

Musicians must notify the venue of any cancellation as soon as possible, providing valid reasons and documentation where applicable.

Failure to provide sufficient notice or valid reasons for cancellation may result in penalties, including but not limited to loss of future booking opportunities.

2. Cancellation by Venues:

Venues may cancel a confirmed gig booking through the Gig App under the following conditions:

  • Cancellation is at least 48 hours before the scheduled gig date, except in cases of force majeure events outlined in section 3 of this policy, or other extenuating circumstances deemed acceptable by Gig support.

If the cancellation occurs on the day of the performance without any extenuating circumstances deemed acceptable by Gig support, the venue must pay the musician in full for the scheduled performance.

Venues must notify the musician and Gig support of any cancellation as soon as possible, providing valid reasons and documentation where applicable.

Failure to provide sufficient notice or valid reasons for cancellation may result in penalties, including but not limited to compensation for the musician's lost earnings and loss of future booking opportunities.

3. Force Majeure Events:

In the event of a force majeure event, which refers to unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of either party that make the performance of a gig impossible or impracticable, the following conditions apply:

Definition of Force Majeure Events: Force majeure events may include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, government actions, strikes, pandemics, or any other events deemed beyond the reasonable control of the affected party.

Handling Cancellations due to Force Majeure Events:

  • In the event of a force majeure event, the musician or venue is expected to cancel their booking as soon as possible. If there is any dispute or uncertainty regarding the classification of an event as force majeure, the parties involved should reach out to Gig support. Our team will assess the circumstances and determine if the situation qualifies for a refund or other appropriate resolution.

  • Documentation supporting the force majeure event may be required for verification purposes.

  • Cancellations due to force majeure events may result in the waiving of penalties typically associated with cancellations outside the standard timeframes outlined in this policy.

4. Unsafe Conditions:

Musicians are responsible for ensuring their safety and well-being when performing at venues booked through the Gig App. If a musician discovers unsafe conditions at a venue, the following procedure must be followed:

Reporting Unsafe Conditions:

  • Musicians must report unsafe conditions to Gig support within 72 hours of discovery.

  • Unsafe conditions may include, but are not limited to, structural hazards, inadequate security measures, or health and safety violations.

Documentation and Verification:

  • Musicians must provide detailed documentation and evidence of the unsafe conditions, including photographs or videos where possible.

  • Gig support will review the report and may conduct further investigation to verify the validity of the claim.

5. Tardiness and Performance Disputes

If a musician is more than 15 minutes late or fails to deliver the entirety of the agreed-upon performance, the venue may submit a request for a partial or full refund. This request must be submitted within 72 hours of the original gig start time. 

The venue may be asked to provide relevant evidence or documentation to support their claim. The Gig Support team will review the request and available documentation to determine whether a refund will be issued. This decision will be based on the circumstances of the situation and the evidence provided.

6. Repeat Offenders:

The Gig App is committed to maintaining a safe and professional environment for all users. Repeat offenders who repeatedly violate the cancellation and refund policy may be subject to removal from the app. The following actions may be taken for repeat offenders:


  • Upon the first instance of policy violation, Gig support may issue a warning to the user.

Temporary Suspension:

  • If the user continues to violate the policy after receiving a warning, Gig support may temporarily suspend their account pending further review.

Permanent Removal:

  • In cases of severe or repeated violations, Gig reserves the right to permanently remove the user from the platform.

7. Refund Policy:

In the event of a cancellation by either party, the following refund policy applies:

  • Refunds for any booking fees paid by venues will be processed according to the cancellation terms outlined in section 2 of this policy.

Gig will facilitate the refund process according to the terms agreed upon between the parties involved. Any disputes regarding refunds will be resolved through mediation by the Gig support team.

8. Dispute Resolution:

In case of disputes arising from cancellations or refund requests, both parties agree to cooperate in good faith to resolve the issue through mediation facilitated by Gig support.

If mediation fails to reach a satisfactory resolution, either party may escalate the dispute to arbitration or pursue legal action as permitted by the laws governing the jurisdiction of the agreement.

9. Changes to Policy:

Gig App reserves the right to amend or update this cancellation and refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Gig App platform.

Users are encouraged to review this policy periodically to stay informed about their rights and obligations regarding cancellations and refunds. 

If you have any questions concerning our cancellation and refund policy, please contact us at: