Live music bookings, simplified.

Whether you’re an artist looking to take the stage or a venue in search of the perfect performance, we’ve got you.

Gig handles discovery, marketing, payments, communication, and scheduling for you.

Gig for venues

Book trusted, quality talent for your venue. Fill your calendar with a lineup that suits your audience and guarantees happy customers without having to handle the hassle of management.

Quality, Vetted Talent

Our algorithm curates pre-vetted artists that complement your venue.

Bring in more Guests

Reach more customers with our automated gig marketing solutions.

Direct Savings

Get direct savings through our partners and use the app for free with competitive booking rates.

Simplified Management

Automatic payments, notifications, auto-organizing calendars, and policies.

Gig for artists

Gig gets you gigs. Gain direct access to a wide network of diverse venues seeking talent, without predatory artist management fees.

Book More Gigs

No cold calls or lengthy applications. Use our discovery tools to fill your calendar with performances.

Maximize Earnings

Leverage our suite of personal marketing tools and tip collection tools to tap into your audience’s full potential and increase your income.

Prompt Payments

Automatic payments ensure you’re paid instantly after every gig— no more waiting around.

Stay Organized

Our auto-organizing calendar alerts you to upcoming gigs to make sure you never miss a beat or double-book.

Gig Link

Gig link is our free-to-use integrated ticketing and gratuity platform. Boost audience turnout, take home extra pay, and manage upcoming shows all in one place.

Share Upcoming Events

Share your unique gig link to promote upcoming performances and share event details with your community.

Collect Donations

Securely collect donations from attendees with just a few clicks. Make it easy for your audience to contribute, without cash.

Track RSVPs

Keep track of guest attendance effortlessly, ensuring accurate head counts and streamlined event planning.

Accept Digital Tips

Use our digital tip jar to support convenient tipping through Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Stripe.